474 Putnam Pike, Dayville, CT 06241 | 860 774 0167

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We Have Keno

Winning numbers are drawn approximately every four minutes. Players select from 1 to 12 numbers or “spots” for each game. A computer then randomly chooses 20 winning numbers from 1 to 80 and displays them on a Keno monitor.

KENO-To-Go is a great opportunity for you to play up to 30 consecutive KENO games. All the rules and regulations are the same as the original KENO. You can leave the premises and check your ticket on-line.

KENO BONUS gives you a chance to increase your KENO winnings by 3, 4, 5 or 10 times. The overall odds of having a multiplier number (3, 4, 5 or 10) are 1:2.3



Newly Remodeled with a Beautiful Outdoor Veranda

474 Putnam Pike
Dayville, CT

Call Us

Phone Orders: 860.774.0167

Reservations: 860.774.0167

Fax: 860.774.0875